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Asthma is a condition that causes a long-term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs. The person’s airways become inflamed, narrow, and swell, and makes it difficult to breathe.
If the asthma condition is not treated, it can lead to a life-threatening attack. It causes difficulty in breathing and may also cause chest pain, cough, and wheezing.
Asthma is mainly caused by exposure to air pollution and allergens.
The asthma condition is mostly managed by inhalers. A person with Asthma should always carry a rescue inhaler with them, and they should avoid polluted places and move away from the dust.
There are many treatments for Asthma in the medical industry but now let’s see what Swami Ramdev Baba tells about the asthma condition.
Ramdev baba always says that performing Yoga is very good medicine for the human body.
Some of the effective Yoga asanas suggested by the Ramdev Baba for Asthma:
According to Ramdev Baba, people who are suffering from the problem of Asthma should perform Yogasanas and Pranayama’s, which are very effective for the body in controlling Asthma.
Swami Ramdev Baba also said that people who have Asthma should drink milk daily, and mixing Turmeric (Haldi), Shilajit, Chavanprashand, Kesar (Saffron) in milk will be very useful for asthma patients.
This mixture of milk and the items mentioned above are very useful for those who are suffering from all kinds of respiratory problems.
Yogasanas for Asthma patients suggested by Ramdev Baba:
- Ustrasana
- Ardha-Ustrasana
- ArdhMatsyendrasana
- Gaumukhasana
- Makarasan
- Bhujangasana
- Shalabhasana
- Pawanmuktasana
- Uttanapadasana
- Naukasana
These asanas keeps the lungs healthy, and there will be a stretch in the lungs and controls the problem of Asthma. They are also helpful in controlling the problem of BP, Obesity, reduces the pains in the knees and waist, and also benefits stomach problems.
Pranayama’s for Asthma patients suggested by Ramdev Baba:
- Bhastrika (3 to 5 mins)
- Kapalabhati
- Bhramari (5 to 10 mins)
- Anulomvilom (10 to 15 mins)
- Surya namaskar
- Udgith
By performing these Pranayama’s, the oxygen flows properly throughout the complete body by which you can get relief from the problems like diabetes and many other diseases. Problems like insomnia, anger, and anxiety can also be reduced by doing such Pranayama every day.
By performing all the Asanas as mentioned above and Pranayama’s, you can keep your lungs very strong and get rid of many health problems. All these should be done for at least a time period of a minimum of 30 mins.
Patanjali medicine for Asthma
Patanjali Divya Swasari Pravahi (should take with empty Stomach)
- Patanjali Divya Swasari Ras (empty stomach)
- Patanjali Divya Swasari Kwath (empty Stomach)
- Patanjali Giloy GhanVati
- Patanjali Divya Sanjeevani Vati
- Patanjali Divya Laxmi Vilas Ras (should take with empty Stomach)
People who are suffering from Asthma for many years or people who have heavy Asthma they should take the following Patanjali medicines suggested by Ramdev Baba:
- Patanjali Trikatuchurna
- Patanjali Swasari (Should take with empty Stomach)
- Patanjali Divya PravalPishti
- Patanjali Godanti Bhasma
- Patanjali Divya Vasant Kusmakar