Acidity is one of the major and common problem in humans now-a-days.
Acidity is caused due to the gastric acid or the stomach acid which is a digestive fluid formed within the stomach lining.It completely disturbs the digestive system of a human body.
An upset stomach is very painful for anyone, it affects the gastrointestinal system of the body and causes gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, functional dyspepsia, and ulcers.
According to Baba Ramdev, Yoga helps in keeping your body and stomach healthy.
Acidity in human bodies occur when you eat spicy food, masala food or fatty foods, consuming less water in a day, eating food in irregular times and eating excess food. It can also be caused by drinking cool drinks like Pepsi, coke and etc…
Table of Contents
Suggestions of Baba Ramdev on the problem of acidity:
How to prevent acidity? – By Ramdev Baba
You should control your food in order to prevent acidity.
If you want be healthy and avoid the problem of acidity then eating food in perfect time is very important.
You should chew the food very well while eating.
Avoid eating breakfast in the mornings and start eating fruits and salads.
Drinking 4 liters of water in a day is very important in order to prevent acidity. Human body gets hydrated very easily and the water levels goes down, so drinking more water is very useful.
You should not lye down immediately after the meal.
Controlling your food diet is very important to control the problem of acidity. Drinking coffee heavily, consuming alcohol and eating meat regularly will leads to acidity.
Green vegetables are good for the people who are suffering with acidity.
Acidity in the body can cause problems like:
- Dry cough
- Chest pain
- Bad Breath
- Regurgitation
- Hoarseness and
- Frequent Heartburn.
Causes of Acidity in the human body:
- Diet
- Stress
- Sedentary life
- Lack of sleep
- Anger
- Improper meals.
Ayurvedic medicine for Acidity by Baba Ramdev
The best medicine for Acidity is Aloe vera Juice and Wheatgrass. Consume them daily will result in permanent cure of Acidity
The best remedy for acidity is aloe vera juice. Taking 4 spoons of aloe vera juice before eating is very good for health and if you find acidity in your body after eating then you can take the same dose of aloe vera juice after 30min of having food.
By drinking aloe vera juice you can avoid the problem of acidity permanently.
- Perform pranayama like Bhastrika, Kapalabati for 30min to 1 hour daily
- Person suffering from acidity, should perform Kapalabati very slowly.
- After your lunch or dinner sitting in Vajrasan for some time (minimum 10min) will help you to reduce the acidity in the body.
Patanjali medicine for Acidity by Baba Ramdev:-
- Consume Patanjali Wheat Grass Powder and Aleovera Juice daily
- Take Patanjali AvipattikarChurna in a spoon and mix Muktashukti Churna/bhasma in it, swallow it along with honey. Every day 2 times (in morning and evening)
- Consume Patanjali TriphalaChurna when troubled.
Consuming them will cure Acidity permanently.
If you don’t take acidity seriously then it can turn into ulcer and many other severe problems.
Amazon Links for the above products to buy:-
Wheat Grass Powder | 1) Patanjali Wheat Grass Powder 2) 24 Mantra Organic Wheat grass Powder |
Aloevera juice | 1)Patanjali Aloevera juice 2) Baidyanath Aloe Vera Juice |
Avipattikar Churna | 1)Baidyanath Avipattikar Churna 2)Divya Avipattikar Churna |
Muktashukti Churna | Patanjali Mukta Shukti Bhasma |
Honey | 1)Patanjali Honey 2)Dabur Organic Honey | 100% Pure and Natural | NPOP Organic Certified | Raw , Unprocessed , Unpasteurized Honey | No Sugar Adulteration |
Triphala Churna | Baidyanath Triphala Churna – Quick Relief from Digestive Distress |
Acupressure point for Acidity:-
Use your left hand in this accupressure. The green mark on the hand in the picture is the acupressure point for the Acidity. Also rub from bottom to up.