Patanjali medicine for back pain by Ramdev baba

Back pain is mostly caused by doing excessive work or by lifting heavy weights. It may also cause by lying down, prolonged sitting, sleeping in an uncomfortable position or by wearing a heavy back pack.

Some of the causes of back pain:

  • Strain
  • Structural problems
  • Movement posture
  • Infection of the spine
  • Sleep disorders
  • Cauda equina syndrome
  • Infections

Symptoms of back pain:

  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Pain down the legs
  • Inflammation or swelling on back

According to Swami Ramdev back pain can be cured by yoga asanas. Yoga asanas stretches the body which relieves the back pain and also strengthen the back and spine.

Doing pranayama’s also reduces the back pain and removes stress from the body.

Yoga asanas for back pain suggested by Swami Ramdev baba:

Yoga asanas for spinal cord:-

  • Ushtrasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Markatasana
  • Salabhasana
  • Shavasan
  • Ardhapavanamuktasana
  • Kati uttanasana
  • Merudandasana
  • Kandharasana
  • Ardhachandrasana
  • Dhanur asana

These Asanas keeps your spinal cord fit and also keeps the entire body healthy and reduces the back pain.

Sleeping in correct position is very important to reduce the back pain.

Patanjali medicine for back pain:

Patanjali medicine for spinal cord:

If you have heavy Back Pain or pain in Spinal cord, Use this Patanjali Pain Relief Pack

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