Cataract is an eye disease that can be seen commonly in people aged above 40 years, but due to the environmental conditions we live in, many of them are suffering from this problem. It will decrease your vision or cause blurred vision.
Cataracts can be treated with surgical treatment, but yoga guru Swamy baba Ramdev says that it can be treated with natural methods.
Practicing yoga regularly can cure the problem of cataract, says Swamy Ramdev, and by taking natural medicines, you can completely solve the problem of Cataract.
Common causes or risk factors for causing Cataract:
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Eye injury or inflammation
- Smoking and consuming excess alcohol
- Increasing age
- Increasing blood pressure
Symptoms of Cataracts:
- Clouded or blurred vision
- Reduced color vision
- Double vision
- Seeing halos
- Decreases night vision
Yoga guru baba Ramdev suggested that doing pranayama, anulom vilom and kapaala bathi cures cataract.
Swamy Ramdev said that doing yoga and pranayama can help in curing many diseases and as well eye-related diseases also. Along with doing yoga, eat Amla, such as amla juice and amla pickles.
Amla is very good at curing many health disorders and keeping your health in good condition, and it helps in curing every eye problem, including cataract and glaucoma.
Using Patanjali Drishti eye drops, consuming amla juice regularly, and by doing Anulom vilom every day, you can cure the problem of cataract.
Swamy Ramdev has suggested other medicines also for curing cataract. We have listed all of them here;
Patanjali medicine for cataract by Ramdev Baba:
- Patanjali Divya Drishti eye drops
- Patanjali Divya Maha Triphala
Use the above medicines by doing yoga and pranayama daily.
Make a mixture with these three items by adding a bit of Honey and take one tablespoon two times a day regularly.
By following the above-mentioned tips and by using those ayurvedic medicines, you can completely cure the problem of cataract without any side effects.