Colitis is the inflammation in the inner lining of the colon. There are many causes for colitis, but the major causes are infection and allergic reactions.
Some of the symptoms of colitis:
- Cramping
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Fatigue
- Dehydration
- Fever
- Skin inflammation
Colitis may also cause problems related to the digestive system.
Diet is very important in order to control such problems.
Problems related to the digestive system and stomach can be cured by yoga, such as ulcers, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and many other problems can be cured by regularly performing yoga and pranayama.
Table of Contents
Pranayama for colitis and other stomach related problems-suggested by Ramdev Baba
- Kapalbhati
- Anulomvilom
- Bhastrika
- Bhramari
Yoga asanas for colitis and other stomach related problems:
- Mandukasana
- Vakrasana
- Shashakasana
- Pawanmuktasana
- Yogmudrasana
- Gomukhasana
- Naukasana
These yoga asanas and pranayama’s should be performed regularly in order to reduce digestive problems. Mandukasana and Vakrasana improves digestion and also helps in treating the problem of colitis, diabetes, and constipation.
One can get rid of such problems like colitis by performing above mentioned asanas and pranayama daily in the morning for at least one hour, says swami Ramdev baba.
Home remedies for colitis suggested by Swami Ramdev baba:
- Avoid eating sweets
- Avoid ghee and also drinking milk.
- Take food in a controlled manner. Don’t overeat or under-eat.
- Drink water one hour after eating (at least after30 mins)
- Chew the food properly while eating
- Don’t take yogurt and buttermilk at night times.
- Do not drink water after eating melon or watermelon.
- Increase fiber diet
- Drink lots of water in a day
- Eat pomegranate daily
- Eating pomegranate with curd is very helpful for people who have colitis.
- Drink buttermilk
Patanjali medicine for colitis:
- Patanjali Divya Kutajghan vati
- Patanjali Divya Chitrakadivati
- Kutajarishta
- Patanjali Divya Bilwadichurna
- Patanjali Divya Gangadharchurna
- Patanjali Divya Mukta shuktibhasma
- Patanjali Divya Triphalachurna
- Amla and aloe vera juice
- Patanjali Divya Shankh bhasm
With all these, you can get rid of the problem of colitis. Along with colitis, many other stomach-related problems can also be cured with these medicines, yoga, and pranayama’s.
Swami Ramdev Baba always says that yoga is the best medicine for the human body.