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Ramdev baba medicine for eye problems
Eyes are the one of the important organs of the human body which works as a visual system.
The eye is a complex optical system which collects light from the surroundings environment and forms an image, further it converts the image into a set of electrical signals and transmits it to brain.
Eyesight depends on the, sharpness of the retinal image, health and functioning of the retina and the sensitivity of the interpretative faculty of the brain.
The eyes are damaged due to the lifestyle of todays generation such as vast exposure to the use of television, computer, mobile and etc. the eyesight is disturbed due to this.
Other reasons from which people may get vision problems are diabetes, lack of nutrients, excessive use of devices and screens etc. from such problems children have to wear specs at an early age.
According to swami Ramdev baba people who are wearing specs regularly should do shirshasana and sarvangasana every day to increase their eyesight.
Anulom vilom and kapalabathi also can help to improve your eyesight. These two are must for every one for a healthier body, Do this for 10 to 15mins.
Swami Ramdev baba says we can make a simple eyedrop at our home with basic household ingredients. It can improve the vision capacity of the eyes and can also reduce the problems related to eye diseases.
When you wake up early in the morning, fill your mouth with water and wash your face with cool water this will keep your eyes healthy.
Homemade eyedrops suggested by swami Ramdev baba:
- White onions
- Peeled ginger
- Lemons
- Honey
Make juice with white onions, peeled ginger and lemons, one tea spoon each and add the same amount honey equivalent to the juice made and mix it properly. Apply these drops (1 drop) in both the eyes, two times a day morning and night. This will improve your eyesight.
Be sure that no water is mixed with this juice.
Amla juice is very useful for eye related problems. If not juice you should eat amla directly or can eat amla pickle also. You can also find amla chawanprash, amla powder and amrit rasayana which is similar to chawanprash all these are very good for your eyes. Any kind of food or salad which is made with amla is very good for our eyes and also for our body. Amla keeps the eye related problems away.
Patanjali medicines for Eye problems by Baba Ram dev:
- Patanjali Amla juice 200gms
- Patanjali Divya Saptamrit laugh 20gms
- Patanjali Divya Mukta shukti Bhasma 10gms
- Patanjali Divya mukta Pishti 2 to 4 gms
People who are wearing glasses should follow these:
- Patanjali Kutajarishta
- Patanjali Drishti eye drops
They should do shirshasana and sarvangasana regularlyin order to get rid of their glasses from eyes. Remember shirshasana should not be performed by elder age people.