Obesity, Overweight is a major problem for people nowadays. It has become a common disease for younger people also. Lack of physical exercise and laziness is the major reason for obesity. Obesity can also be caused by genes.
Losing weight is very important to lead a healthy life. People with obesity may also have problems like blood pressure, sugar and heart-related diseases and have a lot of confusion about what to do about their overweight and how to lose their body weight.
Table of Contents
People who are suffering from overweight or obesity will have more risks of getting the following diseases:
- High blood pressure
- Heart stroke
- Diabetes
- Gallbladder disease
- Osteoarthritis
- Coronary heart disease
- Cholesterol etc.
According to Swami Ramdev baba, it is important to maintain a healthy diet as well as doing yoga asanas will help in losing bodyweight.
Jogging is very important to reduce body fat; this should be included in your daily routine.
Yoga asanas and pranayama is a must and should be for every human being to maintain a healthy and fit body says swami Ramdev baba.
Pranayama’s to lose weight:
- Pranayamas for obesity suggested by Swami Ramdev baba:
- Surya namaskar
- Kapalabhathi
- Anulom vilom
- Ujjayi
- Bhastrika
These should be done regularly for a healthy body. Kapalabathi is very helpful in treating many diseases. By doing this, the digestive system will function good, and all the fat of the stomach can be reduced.
Problems like thyroid can also be treated with these pranayama’s, and they can activate good energy in the body.
Yoga asanas to lose weight suggested by Swami Ramdev baba:
Yoga asanas for obesity suggested by Swami Ramdev baba:
- Triyak Tadasana: This will help to reduce whole-body fat.
- Padahastasana: This asana will solve digestive problems and reduce abdominal fat.
- Trikonasana
- Konasana: This will make your muscles stronger by reducing your body weight.
- Chakki asana: This asana is helpful for the waist and chest.
- Sthit konasana: This asana can control diabetes and makes the body look beautiful.
- Bujangasan: This asana will remove your stress and makes your skin soft.
- Ardha halasana: This asana can reduce the abdominal fat of the body.
- Paschimottanasana: This asana will reduce the belly fat of the body.
- Shalabhasana: This asana will make your joints more flexible.
- Markatasan
- Singhasana
- Shavasana: This can reduce your mental stress and relieves depression.
- If you want to reduce your body weight, then you should perform these yoga asanas daily.
Home remedies to Lose Body weight suggested by Swami Ramdev Baba:
- Take lemon and honey in warm water daily in the morning.
- Drink Gourd juice.
- Eat three leaves of Ashwagandha three times a day
- Drink Giloy juice
- Eat green vegetables and salads
- Consume gaumutra (cow urine)
- Reduce eating heavy foods
- Avoid eating salt, sweets and ghee.
*Use Pink Salt or Himalayan Pink Salt, instead of normal salt. Even replace sugar with Organic Dhaga Mishri or Pure Jaggery or Palm Jaggery or Brown Sugar or Khandsari Sugar
Reducing your body weight in a natural way is more advisable than taking medicines. Doing yoga, pranayama and exercises should be your daily routines. By performing the above-mentioned asanas regularly, you can start losing weight within a week.
Patanjali medicine to lose weight:
- Patanjali Divya Medohar vati (2 times a day)
- Patanjali Divya Peya
- Patanjali Divya Triphala Guggul (2 times a day)
- Patanjali Amla juice
- Patanjali Aloe vera juice
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