Eczema is a skin condition, can simply be defined as itchy inflammation of the skin. This skin condition is very common for both children and adults too.
Eczema has another scientific name which is “Atopic dermatitis,” where atopic refers to an allergy.
Table of Contents
There are different types of Eczema; some of them are:
- Contact dermatitis
- Atopic dermatitis
- Dyshidrotic Eczema
- Hand eczema
- Neurodermatitis
- Nummular Eczema
- Stasis dermatitis
Symptoms of Eczema:
- Dry skin
- Scaly skin
- Itching
- Rashes
- Red skin
- Red spots on cheeks
- Burning in skin
Causes of Eczema:
- Genes
- Dry skin
- Weaker immune system
- Triggers in the environment
- Allergies
- Stress
Swami Ramdev baba shares some effective tips to cure such Eczema with yoga asanas and pranayama’s.
According to Swami Ramdev baba, if the liver of a human body is in good condition and if you do not have any stress, then you will not face any skin-related disease.
Yoga asanas and pranayama to cure Eczema and allergies:
- Bhastrika pranayama: it is the form of pranayama which can be performed in three different ways. This should be performed for at least 5 to 10 mins.
- Surya namaskar: Surya Namaskar will help in curing skin-related problems.
- Dandbaithak: Do this for at least 5 mins every day for those who are suffering from skin allergy.
- Jal Neti
- Mayurasana: This asana will also help in reducing skin-related diseases.
- Sutra Neti
- Kapalabhati: Do this for at least 15 to 30 mins.
- Anulomvilom: Do this for 15 to 20 mins.
Natural Home remedies to treat Eczema – by Ramdev baba:
- Add turmeric (Haldi), two drops of Shilajit in the milk, along with Chawanprash.
- Consume kadha, which is made with Giloy, ginger, turmeric, tulsi and black pepper.
- Add 100gm of turmeric in water and heat for a while and mix it with milk; this will cure your Eczema.
- Apply Aloe vera to the body where there is Eczema.
- Apply Aloe vera to the body when you go outside.
- Applying cactus juice will also reduce Eczema.
- Make a juice of gaumutra, neem leaf and aloe vera, and apply that to your body.
Patanjali medicine for Eczema:
- Patanjali DivyaKayakalpTaila 100g or 200g
- Make cactus juice and mix it with kayakalptaila and apply it on the skin. Apply this two times a day.
- Patanjali Divya Godhan Ark– drink this early in the morning