Ramdev baba medicine for the digestive system

The human digestive system consists of a gastrointestinal tract which is also called as GI tract or digestive tract; it is an accessory organ of digestion.

Digestion is the breakdown of large insoluble food molecules into small water-soluble food molecules so that they can be absorbed into the watery blood plasma. Digestion can be simply defined as how your body turns the food you ate into nutrients and uses it for energy, growth and cells of the body.

To improve the digestive system of the body swami Ramdev baba suggested some yoga asanas which will improve the function of the digestive system and ensures a healthy body.

Performing yoga asanas and pranayama daily will keep stomach related diseases away from human body.

Swami Ramdev baba says yoga is the best way to deal with any problems related to stomachs such as digestion, upset stomach, ulcers, colitis, constipation, diarrhoea and many other diseases.

The digestive system functions properly with yoga and pranayama.

Yoga asanas for digestion problems:

Yoga asanas to improve digestion:

  • Mandukasana
  • Vakrasana
  • Shashakasana
  • Pawanmuktasana
  • Yogmudrasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Naukasana

These asanas will ensure the proper functioning of the digestive system of the human body. Mandukasana keeps the liver and kidney health and vakrasana cures acidity and gastric problems and keeps the backbone strong.

Pranayama’s for digestion problems:

Pranayama’s to improve digestion:

  • Kapalabhati (for half an hour)
  • Bhastrika
  • Bhramari
  • Anulomvilom (for half an hour)

If you perform these pranayama’s and yoga asanas regularly all the disease and problems related to the stomach will stay away from a human body.

Remedies for digestion suggested by Swami Ramdev baba:

  • Chew the food well while eating
  • Eat more salads
  • Drink water after one hour of eating
  • Don’t overeat
  • Consume yoghurt and buttermilk in the day time but not in the night time
  • Daily sit in Vajrasana for a minimum of 10minutes after every meal.

Patanjali medicine for the digestive system:

Ramdev baba medicine for digestive system:

Follow the medicines below to cure your digestive problems permanently. Use these medicines for minimum 3months:-

If the above medicines don’t work effectively, you can switch to the below medicines along with Amla juice and Aloe vera juice, which will cure all your digestive problems for sure. Here is the list:-

According to Swami Ramdev baba, these tips will help in curing the problems related to the stomach and also helps in keeping the digestive system healthy.

Acupressure point for digestion:

Pressing the veins at the back of the calves of the legs will helps in good digestion.

Amazon Links for the above products to buy:-

Chitrakadi vati1)Patanjali Divya Chitrakadi vati

2) Baidyanath Chitrakadi Bati 40 tab
Arogyavardhini vati1) Patanjali Divya Arogyavardhinivati

2) Baidyanath Arogyawardhini Bati
Amla juiceBaidyanath Amla juice
Aloe vera juice1) Patanjali Aloe vera juice

2) Baidyanath Aloe Vera Juice with Pulp
Lohasava syrup1) Baidyanath Lohasava syrup

2) Kerala Ayurveda Lohasavam syrup

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