Blood pressure is the rate of blood circulating against the walls of blood vessels. Most of this pressure results from the heart pumping blood through the circulatory system.
The normal blood pressure level of humans is 120/80mm Hg.
More than the normal blood pressure level is called high blood pressure, and less than normal is said as low blood pressure.
High blood pressure is always called as a silent killer for humans. High BP leads to heart attack and problems related to the kidneys.
The main cause for high blood pressure is stress. High blood pressure is termed as hypertension in the medical field. Controlling hypertension (High BP) is very important as it may also lead to death.
Here we present you some tips to control your hypertension (high blood pressure) which are suggested by Baba Ramdev:
The Yog guru Swami Ramdev Baba says that one can control the problem of blood pressure by doing yoga asanas and Pranayama’s regularly.
Yoga asanas like Bhujangasana and Mandukasana helps in controlling high blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy. And you can also achieve a fit body, and by performing ardhahalasana, it reduces the belly fat and controls the blood pressure.
Pranayama’s like Kapalabathi and Shitali helps in controlling the blood pressure and helps in purifying the blood.
Table of Contents
Yoga asanas suggested by Ramdev baba to control the high blood pressure:
- Bhujangasana (20 to 50 mins)
- Mandukasana
- Shashankasana
- Sthit Konasana
- ArdhaHalasana
- Tadasan
- Padahastasan
Note: – Do it slowly
These asanas keep your body healthy, control blood pressure, and keep your mind at peace.
Pranayama’s to control high blood pressure:
- Shitkari
- AnulomVilom (10 to 15 mins)
- Udgeeth (5 to 10 mins)
- SukshmaVyayayam
- Bhastrika
- Shitali (5 to 10 mins)
- Bhramari (5 to 10 mins)
- Kapalabathi
These help in reducing tensions and stress and also for controlling high blood pressure.
Note:- Don’t do Pranayama faster; keep it slow or medium pace.
Lets’ see some of the causes of high blood pressure:
- Obesity
- Stress
- Cholesterol
- Junk and Fried food consumption
- Weak liver and kidneys
- High level of alcohol consumption
- Smoking heavily
- Irregular sleeping patterns
- Irregular eating habits and timings.
Some of the symptoms of high blood pressure:
- Fatigue
- Laziness
- Chest pain
- Feeling stressed
- Irregular heartbeat
- Severe headache
- Neck pain
All these symptoms and causes of high blood pressure can be controlled by performing Pranayama’s and Yoga asanas, as Swami Ramdev baba Mentioned earlier.
Home Remedies for high blood pressure by Ramdev baba:
Natural ways to treat blood pressure by Ramdev Baba:
With Yoga and diet, we can control the high blood pressure. Follow these remedies:-
- Swami Ramdev Baba suggests that along with performing Pranayama’s and Yoga asanas, drinking gourd juice every day early in the mornings helps in controlling the high blood pressure (Hypertension). You can add a bit of lemon and mint to the gourd juice.
- Start using Gourd as a vegetable a lot. Keep drinking daily in the morning and evening.
- Patanjali Divya Mukta Vati medicine cures high blood pressure permanently, so we recommend using this for atleast 6 months for a permanent cure.
- Watermelon is also good for High blood pressure.
- Start eating dates and dry dates (Khajur)
- (Optional) Also, Ramdev baba suggests that consuming neem, tulsi, and ginger can treat the problem of blood pressure permanently
- You can control the high blood pressure instantly by taking a round piece of gourd and rubbing it on your arms and also on your palm.
- If you have a burning sensation in your feet, then rub your foot with a piece of gourd and drink giloy.
- Take an ice block and rub or massage it on your back from the neck to the waist. It helps in controlling blood pressure.
- Eat food with less amount of salt.
- Drinking more water is very important. Take 2 to 3 glasses of water early in the morning when you wake up. You must drink water after one hour of having lunch and dinner. Avoid drinking water right after eating. Every person should take a minimum of 4ltrs of water in a day.
- Keep pressing at the tip of the ring finger – Acupuncture point.
- In 3-6months, Blood pressure would be cured permanently by following the given remedies and always perform Pranayam.
Note:- If the Gourd juice is bitter, before drinking, add lemon or Amla juice (or add tulsi or pudina juice) to it.
Patanjali medicines for High blood pressure:
- Patanjali Divya Mukta Vati (2tabs morning and 2 tabs evening). Chew it before swallowing.
- Shatavari
NOTE:- We recommend you to Consume them for at-least 6months for permanent cure of high blood pressure