Vedix customized ayurvedic anti-hair fall shampoo

Vedix khoob anti-hair fall shampoo

Are you suffering from hair fall and dandruff-related problems, then Vedix is the solution for your hair-related problems.

Vedix is a customized ayurvedic brand that provides hair care, skin care, and immunity products for both men and women.

Their team will find out your dosha and your concern about your hair and customize the suitable formula with the ayurvedic herbs. Vedix makes all its products with completely natural and ayurvedic ingredients.

The Vedix khoob anti-hair fall shampoo will condition your hair naturally and soothes the scalp, and cleanses gently. It controls hair fall by giving strength to the roots of your hair, and this shampoo maintains scalp hygiene and also regulates the pH of the scalp.

The vedix shampoo will add shine to your hair and keep your hair soft. No conditioner is required for your hair after you wash your hair with vedix shampoo.

The ingredients used in this will balance the dosha level in you and relieves your scalp from dandruff and irritation.

The ayurvedic ingredients used in the vedix khoob anti-hair fall shampoo:

  • Yashtimadhu
  • Kumari
  • Quinoa protein
  • Bhringraj
  • Gunja

All these herbs will make your hair roots stronger by cleaning the scalp and by removing dirt, grime, and toxins.

The vedix shampoo is free from harmful chemicals and doesn’t contain soy, gluten, paraben, sulfates, SLS, and SLES, and they are also cruelty-free products.

The vedix khoob anti-hair fall shampoo is not recommended for pregnant women or those who are under contraceptive pills.

The shampoo will keep your hair conditioned and keeps your hair healthy by balancing the tri doshas. The customization process will give you good and fast results if the vedix shampoo is used regularly.

The worry of side effects will be no more when you are using the products of vedix. You can observe the results of changes in your hair within one of using vedix products.

They have a special team of ayurvedic experts and ayurvedic doctors who have more than 20 years of experience in ayurvedic science and Ayurveda to formulate the suitable solution for your hair problems with all ayurvedic products.

We recommend you to use the three products of vedix hair care, which will be customized for you. The three products, vedix anti-hair fall oil, shampoo, and hair regrowth serum, will be available as a package named vedix hair care regimen kit and available as 6 months, 3 months, and 1-month package.

How to use vedix khoob anti-hair fall shampoo?

  • Take the required amount of vedix shampoo and apply the shampoo to your wet hair. 
  • Massage the hair and scalp well and rinse it with water. 
  • Repeat this process once again if required based on your hair.

Benefits of vedix khoob anti-hair fall shampoo

  • Reduces the hair fall
  • It deals with your split ends and improves the hair texture
  • Balances the oil on your scalp, and it doesn’t dry out your hair
  • Keeps your scalp healthy and hygiene 
  • Keeps your hair soft and shiny 
  • Conditions your hair lustrous 
  • Along with hair fall, it also treats dandruff and premature greying 
  • It gives strength to your hair


The vedix khoob anti-hair fall shampoo is completely made with ayurvedic herbs, and it won’t show any side effects. It is customized and formulated by ayurvedic experts and doctors so, you can trust this product without any doubt, and it is safe for everyone. It doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals and is free from soy, dairy, paraben, etc.

It completely reduces your hair fall and conditions your hair, and also treats patchy baldness & the problems like dandruff and premature greying. It gives shine to your hair and keeps it soft.

We recommend you to try the full hair customized ayurvedic regimen to treat all your hair-related problems. The complete hair regimen contains vedix anti-hair fall oil, vedix anti-hair fall shampoo, and vedix hair regrowth serum.

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