Vedix Skin care regimen review

Vedix provides India’s first customized ayurvedic regimens for hair care, skincare, and immunity products. 

Their products are customized for each body type of a person and for their unique problem. The customization process is done by conducting a quick questionary; customers who visit the vedix website should answer some questions in order to buy their products. Based on the answers you provide vedix team will find the Dosha to which you belong, and by depending on your Dosha and your concern, vedix will formulate a special product.

Vedix products are 100% natural and ayurvedic without any harmful chemicals. Vedix is popular for its customized ayurvedic hair care, skincare, and immunity regimens.

Ingredients present in the product doesn’t work if your Dosha doesn’t suit to it. Always go with the Ayurvedic products and also which suits your dosha. Vedix helps you with this problem of finding right product.

Vedix customized ayurvedic skincare regimen review 

Vedix provides a customized ayurvedic skincare regimen for both men and women. The products in the regimen will be specially customized for your type and for your concern.

Vedix has a team of ayurvedic experts and ayurvedic doctors who have more than 20 years of experience in ayurvedic science. They will formulate special solutions for every customer which suits their Dosha and solves their problem.

The vedix skincare regimen solves all your problems related to your skin, and the products are free from soy, dairy, gluten, paraben, and other harmful chemicals.

The vedix skin care regimen helps to protect your skin from UV rays, resolves uneven skin tone, strengthens the skin barrier, fights against signs of aging, improves moisture retention, unclogs pores, reduces blemishes, improves skin texture, gives natural glow to your skin.

What does the vedix customized ayurvedic skincare regimen contain?

The vedix customized ayurvedic skin care regimen consists of three products:

  • Vedix customized ayurvedic skin cleanser
  • Vedix customized ayurvedic skin moisturizer
  • Vedix customized ayurvedic skin active or serum

These products are made with truly natural and ayurvedic ingredients to solve your problems without any side effects, and all are customized for their required concern.

By using the vedix skin regimen, you can get rid of all your skin issues. It improves your skin health & rejuvenates the skin, clears impurities from the skin by unclogging pores, and the ayurvedic herbs boost overall skin health.

Vedix customized ayurvedic cleanser

The vedix customized ayurvedic cleanser is specially made to solve your skin type issues. It gently cleanses impurities from the skin, reduces blemishes, and improves skin texture.

The customized cleanser preserves the skin’s natural oil balance and protects the skin barrier. It is completely made with plant extracts, and it is edible, safe, SLS & SLES paraben-free, and do not contain any harmful chemicals.

Key ingredients used in the vedix customized ayurvedic cleanser:

  • Arishtaka
  • Kumari
  • Palandu
  • Sariva
  • Daruharidra

These ingredients will help to keep the skin dewy, reduce acne by inhibiting the growth of acne-causing bacteria, helps in healing scars, and reduce acne.

How to use vedix customized ayurvedic cleanser

  • Take the required amount of cleanser into the hands
  • Spread it on a wet face
  • Massage for a few seconds 
  • Wash the cleanser with water

Vedix customized ayurvedic moisturizer:

The moisturizer provides 24-hour hydration to your skin and improves moisture retention. It helps to reduce roughness, inflammation & fine lines and gives glow to your skin, and keeps your skin healthy.

Key ingredients used in the vedix skin or face moisturizer:

  • Usheera
  • Bakuchi
  • Kamala
  • Kumari
  • Yashtimadhu

With these ayurvedic herbs, the moisturizer helps to reduce acne-generated heat on the skin, reduces pigmentation, keeps the skin young, protects the skin from free radicals, and improves overall skin quality.

How to use vedix customized face moisturizer

  • First, cleanse your face with a vedix cleanser
  • Apply a sufficient amount of moisturizer on your face and neck
  • Massage your face with the fingertips 
  • Repeat the process twice in a day.

Vedix customized ayurvedic face serum:

The vedix customized ayurvedic serum is rich in potent herbal antioxidants. It protects your skin from dust and pollution and also from harmful UV rays.

It also helps to hydrate the skin and improves skin elasticity. It is made with 100% natural and ayurvedic herbs for effective use.

The key ingredients used in the vedix face serum are:

  • Amalaki
  • Bakuchi
  • Lodhra
  • Sariva
  • Yashtimadhu 

With such ingredients, the serum helps to protect the skin against oxidative stress injuries helps to brighten, tone, and soften skin. It provides healthy skin and brings a glow on your face, and protects the skin from redness.

How to use vedix customized ayurvedic face serum?

  • Cleanse your face before applying the serum
  • Apply the serum on acne and comedones
  • Apply the moisturizer after 20 to 30 minutes.


The three products in the Vedix customized ayurvedic skincare regimen are customized for every individual based on their Dosha and their concern.

It solves all your skin-related problems and keeps your skin healthy & makes it glow. Use this regimen for at least one month to see the changes in you, and it gives you good results in only one month. Using it for three months will give you very effective and long-lasting results of your skin problems.

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